About heidger marx photograpy

Copyright Ralf Hiemisch 2019
Heidger is a self-taught photographer who is fascinated by the world's beauty that manifests in the diversity of nature and different cultures. In his work, he focusses on fine art, landscape and travel photography. Heidger has been following his artistic calling in New York, Berlin and on countless extensive international trips.
I consider this blue planet that we live on a truly wonderful place: a place, where we all have the right to enjoy its many wonders and also a place where we all hold the duty to preserve its beauty for future generations. With my photography, I intend to showcase some of nature's masterpieces and share my love and passion for this beautiful world. I would feel extremely happy and blessed if I could reach people's hearts and inspire them to join me in preserving this beautiful planet. We can all make a difference!
I express myself through the spectral colors of nature as well as through nature's elements that define our world. In my work, I like to work with juxtapositions, such as close and far, old and new, the natural and the manmade.
My latest venture promotes a closer look at the constant evolution of nature through moon, stars, clouds and other moving objects through long exposures.
Soho Photo Gallery, New York, NY - Group Show, June-July 2011
Gowanus Print Lab, Brooklyn, NY - Group Show, October-November 2011
Soho Gallery of Digital Art, New York, NY - Group Show "Nature at night", November 2011
"Almondine" Bakery, Dumbo, Brooklyn, NY - Solo Show, November 2011-January 2012
Soho Photo Gallery, New York, NY - Group Show "Night", October-November 2012
"Almondine" Bakery, Dumbo, New York, NY - Solo Show "New York Bridges at night", May-September 2013
My images are displayed in corporate offices in the United States and are part of private collections in North America and Europe.
My images have also been licensed by major publications in the travel industry.
If you would like to license any of my images or buy a print, please contact me for prints, format and paper options, as well as any other image related questions.